Myths About Web Designing

Myths prevail everywhere!
Not even the technology is spared! 

Being a web designer, you may have often come across certain suggestions or the so-called ‘tried and tested’ practices that guarantee a successful website and business as well! How often have you followed these suggestions? How often have these worked for you?
Well, if you have no idea, have a look at what we are actually talking about and beware of the top web design myths.

The design is all about visuals:

No doubt visuals are an inevitable aspect of website design. However, they are not what a web designing is all about. A visually enticing website is of no use if it doesn’t have quality content. A web design that is not able to tell the visitor and search engines what the page is all about, is simply useless. There needs to be a balance between the content and visuals for the success of a website and eventually the business.

DIY websites are the best and the cheapest ones:

When you look around for cheap web design options, DIY may seem like a solace betwixt chaos. But if you think with a professional mindset, that’s not a good choice to be made. Reason? Well, these websites offer little customization and only have basic SEO tools. As a result, what you may get at the end would not be a fully professional looking website.

The homepage is the most important page:

Yes! The homepage is important but it’s not the only important page on your website. Undoubtedly your home page needs to be enticing enough so that the website visitors are compelled to stop by and click through but it doesn’t mean the other pages do not require your attention. In fact, it’s the quality content spread throughout the inner pages of your website that your website would be ranked for and most probably the visitors would be looking for!

It’s not necessary to design for mobile:

According to a research, more than 40% of web users use their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. Moreover, mobile-responsiveness is one of the major factors that Google ranks your site for today! You can’t just ignore the importance of a mobile responsive website design as doing so can:
i) cause you to miss out on a lot of potential customers.
ii) affect your website ranking

Minimalism is all you need to achieve simplicity:

“Simplicity” may be the first thing that may strike a designer’s mind when someone talks about minimalism. However, that is not the case. Simplicity is not just about a minimalist design. It’s about the overall feel and functionality of a website. Simplicity doesn’t mean striking elements off of the web design, it’s rather about making it easy for the users to use your website.
So, the next time you come across any of these myths, just shoo them away with these tips of wisdom! Now that you have known why having a website is important to your business, contact the experts of  Web Development Breckenridge, CO to get a business-friendly website.


  1. Glad to help. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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