How to Prepare for a Video Shoot

  • 87% of industry professionals say they use video in their digital marketing strategy
  • 92% of marketing professionals are able to make videos with assets they already have
  • Video content marketing can increase brand awareness by 54%
Video is currently dominating content marketing trends. It’s been shown to give a huge boost to lead generation, conversions, and sales, and so proves to bring in a great return on investment for businesses.
Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are the three most popular platforms for video marketing, with over 1.9 billion users on YouTube alone. Which means, there’s a huge market out there for engaging and creative video marketing! That’s why learning some video marketing basics, like how to prepare for your video shoot, can help keep your business running like a finely oiled machine.

Why is Video Marketing So Effective?

There are a few factors that make video such an effective marketing tool. We’ve highlighted a few already, but just to give you a better idea:
Video increases user traffic. Video is 50 times more likely to get organic views than written text. It helps get more eyes on the webpage, and an influx of user traffic on your site. Video also rakes in more conversions with a higher click-through rate than other media.
Search engines love ranking for video. Not only does video create more backlinks when you embed them into webpages and posts, but it’s also great for boosting SEO rankings. Search engine crawlers recognize what’s gaining views, which makes videos easy to pull into featured snippets on search engines. Higher SEO rankings means more visibility for your website.
Video facilitates connection with your growing customer base. It’s ideal for smartphone users, which occupies a significant chunk of web user traffic. The narrative style of video also allows you to connect directly with your customer base with a purposeful message packaged with your branding.
What are video marketing basics with mobile?
Video helps close the deal on buyer’s decisions. Brand awareness is one of the key advances of video marketing, and it helps you clearly explain and promote aspects of your business and mission statement. Potential customers will have an easier time researching and engaging with your brand, leading to a quicker sales decision.

Preparing for the Big Day – Video Marketing Basics You Should Know

Once you go about creating a video content strategy for your business, how do you prepare for an actual video shoot? There can be a lot of moving parts, and important details can fall through the cracks if your team isn’t organized. Here are some of the best tips for preparing for a video shoot.

Outline the Project

What’s the reason for the video you’re creating? Figure out what the central purpose is, along with who your trying to reach—AKA: your target audience. Identify the key expectations and points you want to hit for this video, and especially form a call-to-action (CTA).
The CTA is your defined mission statement that persuades your target audience to take action, whether that’s contacting your business for more questions, signing up for a rewards program, or purchasing a product or service.

Determine Your Budget

Once you have the general outline of your project, you need to determine what you can spend to make your vision happen. This will allow you to take any guesswork out of the whole process, before you start filming.
Remember to take an inventory of any assets you have already. You may be surprised by what you have to work with!

Decide Video Length

The general rule of thumb is about one minute of film for every page in the script. Depending on your objectives, you may want a longer or shorter video. Decide on this before you start writing the script so you have a better idea of how in-depth your video should be.

Write a Script

Writing a script will give your video (and the filmmaking process) some structure that can prove critical during the project. Think of the story narrative in terms of a three-act structure: beginning, middle, and end.
Once you develop the video’s creative concept (the style, tone, setting, etc.), frame your script around that concept so you can deliver a clear and purposeful message that promotes your business creatively.

Hash Out the Logistics

Where is the video going to be shot? Need props? Will the set be created from shared office space, at a public venue, or do you have a studio or a private setting in mind?
These are all logistical concerns that you should figure out prior to scheduling the shoot. You’re going to need to shoot somewhere quiet, and if you want to shoot outside, you’ll need to consider weather and other people that may be passing by.
How do I prepare for a video shoot?

Scout and Prep the Shoot Location Beforehand

You’ll also want to eliminate as many “surprises” as you can. Scout out and prep the location where you plan to shoot, and make sure all your equipment and necessary items, as well as anything else required for the video, can be accommodated.

Double-Check Everything

Confirm dates and times for all personnel involved with the shoot. Double-check all equipment, like cameras, lights, microphones, and props to make sure they’re working properly and are fully charged. Remember to clear any SD cards or memory files to make sure you have what you need to record.

Create a Production Schedule

It may be helpful for you to create a production schedule for the shoot, so you and your team know what to do and what to expect. Give yourself enough time for overtime that can be accrued from necessary reshoots, errors, or any unforeseen delays.

If Necessary, Write Up a Call Sheet

For more complicated shoots, you may need a call sheet to block out exactly what will be going on throughout the shooting day. This is great for shoots that will be running across multiple days, on more than one location, or with several actors involved.
What is the best way to use video marketing?

Want to Learn More About Video Marketing Basics?

These video marketing basics can help you prepare for your video shoot, so nothing takes you by surprise. If you want to learn more about what video marketing can do for your business, our website designer in vail, CO team offers dynamic solutions to enhance your brand with professional, high-quality, and creative multimedia content. Contact us today for a free consultation!


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  3. This is a great way to look at not only blogging but your personal life. Life is too short to not have fun and take yourself too seriously. Thanks for this tip it is a good one. I will be checking back frequently to see more of your thoughts.

  4. Glad to help. Nothing worth having comes easy. You really have to put in the time and effort to get the best results. Thanks for sharing!

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  6. Glad to help. Please don’t hesitate to ask any other questions you may have.

  7. I’m glad I could help you! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!


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