
Showing posts with the label web hosting

What is Web Hosting and Why Do you Need it?

Web hosting is your home on the Internet. This is where your actual website files, images, and content is stored and served from. This is available 24/7 and worldwide. There are hundreds of thousands of web hosting providers on the Internet and all of them offer specials and bonuses to get your business. Choosing the perfect web hosting provider is something you will need to do by looking through the various components such as service offerings, support, history, etc. In this market, like any other market, you get what you pay for. If you go for the cheapest provider, you’re going to get the cheapest quality of service. To be honest, you’re going to want to stay away from that. Put your money in a mid-range priced hosting provider, such as $5-$8 a month, this will allow you to get the features, the support and the quality of service that you need for your website to run without problems. There are also higher end hosting providers, which will offer you higher end servers, upt

Expert Tips on How to Get the Best Web Hosting Service

Without obtaining a piece of digital property online, you will not be able to harness the power of technology. Developing a full-scale business online is quite hard to accomplish without having an excellent web hosting company supporting you. There are presently hundreds of thousands of hosts trying to catch your attention, and just a handful of them are worth paying for. By looking at some key elements, you can spot the best choice for your overall requirements. Here are a few tips to consider: Know Which Type of Web Hosting Service You Need Shared Hosting Shared hosting is suitable for small to medium sites. Instead of using free web hosting, you can start with a shared package before deciding to upgrade to a VPS or dedicated plan to meet increasing needs. Unfortunately, as server resources are divided among different sites, performance may suffer as your business and demands grow. If you are serious about expanding your reach to boost your traffic, you may not wish

What Makes a PPC Campaign Successful for Small Businesses?

What makes a  PPC campaign  successful? It’s not measured in pure clicks. It’s not measured in how little you spend on a click. We can’t even measure it solely by conversions. PPC campaign  success comes down to one all-important metric. What’s your PPC ROI? Turning clicks into conversions is what truly matters. To grow your business it all comes down to this question. What’s it cost to acquire new customers vs. how much is that customer is worth? How much money will they usually generate once they have converted to a customer? What kind of ROI do you need to see from your PPC campaigns? 5X, 10X, 15X? Let’s explore how to attain it. How to Launch a Successful PPC Campaign 1. Keyword Research Done Right To have a successful  PPC campaign , you must choose the right keywords to target. These aren’t just any keywords that relate to your business. They’re strategic and designed to maximize your PPC ROI.  Effective keyword research follows 3 essential ste

How One Multi-Channel, Multitasking Marketer Wins Some Time Back

Do a quick Google search for “multitasking” and you’ll find a wealth of articles and reports that pretty much arrive at the same conclusion: Trying to juggle too much at once will substantially undermine your productivity, so it’s best to tackle one task at a time. That’s all well and good. I can certainly testify from my own personal experience—as a content marketer here at WordStream—that multitasking is generally a bad idea. I am, however, one of the lucky ones: Because the day-to-day nature of my job makes it relatively easy for me to focus on one discrete project at a time, resisting the urge to multitask isn’t exactly strenuous. The same can’t be said for someone like Veronika Cervenakova, Performance Marketing Executive at digital signage solutions provider ScreenCloud. Tasked, like many fellow marketers at small and medium-sized businesses, with the management of several online advertising accounts, Veronika has an extraordinary amount of stuff on he

4 easy ways to refresh your marketing strategy

While summer can be a slower season for some retailers, the large success with massive summer shopping events like Amazon’s Prime Day for brands not named Amazon show there is an opportunity in every season. Most importantly, it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture or event. Small changes and tweaks can make a world of difference to ensure you gain a competitive edge. As we approach the end summer, it’s never been a better time to refresh your marketing strategy through testing as you gear up for the holiday season. Here are a few ways to refresh your tactics to gain valuable customer data and drive sales to close   out summer. 1. Change up the little things:- If you’re a savvy marketer, you’re likely used to constant testing of your tactics as A/B testing in email marketing is a given. It’s easy to focus on the main creative pieces – headline copy, imagery, featured products – as they can increase ROI on your email marketing program. At the same time, you only have a few months

Why should you attend SMX?

For over a decade, nearly 70,000 marketers have trusted SMX to deliver actionable, brand-safe tactics that generate more traffic, leads, conversions, and sales. This year’s agenda is bigger and better than ever… a firehose of 70+ presentations covering all aspects of an integrated search marketing strategy (including two new content concentrations on agency operations & management and local search marketing for multi-location brands!). More sessions and speakers mean you will leave SMX with more actionable tactics that you’ll implement immediately. We guarantee it. Need more reasons to attend? Here’s 11: Unbiased, trustworthy content.  SMX isn’t produced by a vendor or digital agency. It’s programmed exclusively by the editorial team at Search Engine Land, the publication of record for search marketers. That means the content you get will be unbiased, trustworthy, and hot off the press. Form matches function . Sessions are constructed so the format matches the topic. S

Sales organizations in media companies are facing a new world order

It’s not exactly news that programmatic advertising, automation  and  agency consolidation have upended the media industry. Such changes have been well documented (as well as felt personally by many of our colleagues). But change, like time, marches on, and these trends continue to turn the media world upside down. Exhibit A: the sales organizations of media and digital ad tech companies that sell to agencies. Programmatic and consolidation have imposed a new sales team structure, though many not quite realize it yet. Any organization that sells to agencies, and seek that all-important master services agreement (MSA) with any of the holding companies, will need to adapt their organizations to the new reality. In the old days (by which I mean just a few years ago), the sales organization inside of a media company, ad network or any other entity that sold into an agency needed to be vertically aligned with the agency. For instance, GroupM has many agencies under its umbrella, a

Pinterest adds new e-commerce layer with personalized ‘shopping hub’ atop user feed

Pinterest continues to push e-commerce initiatives, introducing a personalized “shopping hub” last week that displays at the top of users’ feeds with product recommendations pulled from retailers’ organic Product Pins and Catalog feeds. According to a Pinterest spokesperson, retailers can upload Pins via Catalogs and their products will be distributed across Pinterest’s shopping surfaces which include this new “shopping hub” feature, as well as other recommendation spaces and shopping feeds. Pinterest also rolled out an updated shopping section that will display below Product Pins, highlighting Catalog content from the respective brand. “Making it easy to browse into the catalogs of brands of all sizes, like Target, Birdies Slippers, Joybird, The Tie Bar and Parachute,” Pinterest wrote on its business blog. Why we should care? Pinterest is continuing to build out e-commerce features for its discovery platform to connect users to more branded product recommendations. This

Google Ad Manager, AdMob add support for app-ads.txt, to start blocking unauthorized ad serving for publishers this month

Google Ad Manager and AdMob, Google’s mobile ad network, now support app-ads.txt, the anti-ad fraud protocol for app publishers. An extension of IAB Tech Lab’s ads.txt standard, app-ads.txt is designed to address the specific needs of apps distributed through mobile and connected TV app stores. Publishers publish the text file listing the open exchanges that are authorized to sell their inventory to the root directory of their websites and link their app store listings to their websites. Programmatic buyers can then inspect the files to ensure they are buying from authorized sellers and not domains or apps set up to spoof publishers and steal their ad revenue. Why we should care? Google said in April that its DSP Display & Video 360 would stop buying unauthorized in-app inventory starting in August. Given its market leadership position, Google’s support for app-ads.txt from both the buy and sell sides will help propel the  adoption  of the standard by app publishers. L

Four Reasons Why Revenue Growth is Important in Digital Marketing

Emerging and growth stage companies take as fact that “if you’re not growing, you’re in the process of dying.” For mid-tier and small businesses the wisdom of this statement also applies. Why is it so important that your business grows its revenue? Let’s consider what is behind this truism.  Here are the four primary reasons that revenue growth is critically important to your business.  1.   Profitability:- The purpose of business is to make a profit. The more profit you make, the more opportunity you and your business have to reap the benefits and rewards of running the business. You invest your time, energy, and money to make profit.  The primary driver of profitability is revenue. The more you grow revenue the more likely you are to grow profits. If you achieve higher levels of revenue and manage costs so they rise at a lower rate, then you maximize profits. By accelerating the rate of revenue growth you generate more profits faster which enables you to (a) tak