
Showing posts with the label Web Designing

Get Started With Responsive Web Design

The technology is progressing ahead at huge pace, and almost every month various new electronic gadgets get launched in the international market, and one of those gadgets is a smartphone. In-fact smartphone is one of the most ‘in-demand’ products, as it provides the user with a flexibility to use high-speed internet on the go and stay in touch with his family and friends via email and other mobile applications such as WhatsApp, and also let him browse through websites that are useful to him. However, for web designers it is one of the difficult tasks to cope up with as every other mobile phone, computer and laptop has a different screen size, which makes it difficult for him to design a compatible website. This is where the need for ‘Responsive Web Design’ comes. A  Responsive Web Design  is something that plays a crucial role in the success of a website. A few years back, web designers never used to consider mobile phones, tablets, and different screens while designing a web

8 Beginner Web Design Mistakes You Ought To Avoid

“There are three responses to a website design- yes, no and Wow! Wow is the one to aim for.” –Milton Glaser Web designing entails certain traps for the beginners. And when these traps are overlooked by the web designers, it leads to not-so-good experiences for users, which cause a considerable loss of website traffic. There are many websites that botch up the web designs and beginners are lead astray when exposed to such unsuccessful web designs. Well, the web design mistakes are not only made by the beginners or amateurs. Sometimes big brands and professionals even end up committing such web design mistakes. Is your web design agency also a culprit of committing such blunders? Check out! Web Design Mistakes You Ought To Avoid The crux of the plight of web designing lies in the approach of the beginners. There are times when these inexperienced web designers fail to realize that the website needs to be designed for the users to access it. So it is vital for the beginners

A Day in the Life of a Web Developer: What You Should Look For

When looking for web development services, there are firms like ours who can overcome daily design challenges. We know what it takes to design a website that attracts customers and that can convert. Our development team solves problems, and they take their duties seriously. Our solutions can be simple or they can be complex. It all depends on the problem’s size and the length of time we have to provide a solution. Here are several consistent challenges that our team faces on a daily basis which will give you a hint on what to look for in your next web developer: 1.  We have learned to always keep the customer’s needs in mind.  Along with this, we always keep the user experience at the top of our list of concerns. Our goal is to make the website as easy to navigate as possible while doing everything the user needs it to do. Quite often, our developers will work through any compromise of features and usability. This means there are times when we have to rethink and approach a cha

The Power of 301 Redirects – Change Domain Names and Maintain Your Google Rankings

As a website owner, there may come a time that you will want to change your website’s domain name due to a rebrand or to switch to a more user-friendly domain name. The key is to make the switch without losing any SEO juice that exists with your current domain. The process can be challenging but it is doable. You are going to have to pay close attention to numerous details in the process. Why Change Domain Names? There are several main reasons why anyone would want to change domains. Businesses grow and change. Some business owners decide to transition into a different product or service. For SEO purposes, a new domain name may be able to work wonders. At other times, marketers simply decide that a new domain name reflects how people search for products or services. How to Change a Domain Name Should you keep your old domain and redirect, or should you just keep your old site? Of course, there are no easy answers. Often, it becomes a personal choice. If you decide to change

How to Design a Website: 6 Key Tips for Success

Designing a website is easier than it has ever been. Long gone are the days of manual coding and restrictive print-based layouts. Today, almost anyone can create a gorgeous, responsive, functional site in minutes — as long as you know where to start. Fortunately, the  basics of website design  are relatively easy to understand if you apply some common sense and careful planning. Your goal should always be to create a site that is both visually striking and easy to navigate and use. In this article, we’ll discuss how to design a website and share six key tips. We’ll also introduce you to  WP Website Builder  and demonstrate how you can use this tool to create your own website quickly and easily. How to Design Your Site: 6 Key Tips for Success 1. Plan Your Design Thoroughly Before you do anything related to website design, you’ll need a concrete and thorough plan.  At this stage, you should clearly  define your site’s goals  and expectations and outline what you hope to acc

What are the Differences Between your website and a Successful Website?

In order to make your website successful, the first thing yopu need to do is to familiarize yourself with the definition of a successful website. So, what is the definition of a Successful website? According to me, a successful website is defined as a space on the World Wide Web which is designed according to the tastes and preferences of its visitors and it never has a dearth of quality content. So, in order to make your website successful, you need to take good care of its design and content. In order to ensure that it gets the desired exposure and attention, you need to ensure that it works equally well on smartphones and Personal Computers. You also need to ensure that it is ranked well by the leading search engines like Google and Bing in their search results. Your website should appear on the first page in the organic search results of these search engines because, most of the searchers across the globe tend to believe that organic results are more relevant than the paid

Having a Successful website was never as important as it now is

Gone are the days when advertisements through the available forms of media were enough to ensure the existence and survival of a brand in the market. These days, in order to ensure the success of your brand, you need to come up with a perfect website. Along with advertising your brand through other forms of media, you should also do the same through your very own website. A successful website is one which is often visited by the ones who are genuinely interested in the products and services it intends to sell and this is the reason why such websites never suffer from a high bounce rate. Such websites are ranked well by the leading search engines like Google and Bing in their search results. So, coming up with such a website makes a lot of sense. Your website will succeed if and only if it is designed according to the tastes and preferences of your customers. It needs to be pleasing to the eyes and its colours should always complement the products and services which are being

How to Make a Wedding Website

Creating an interesting website around one of the most important days of your life, your wedding, is an ideal way to keep your family members and friends up-to-date concerning your special day. In fact, you can easily showcase your best photos in a cool gallery, show off your spectacular cake, or offer a heartfelt video that reveals your unique wedding vows. While some of these sites are only meant to keep people informed about your upcoming wedding, others are actual ways that allow your guests to interact. Here’s what you need to know on how to make a wedding website. Consider using WordPress to build your wedding site since it’s the perfect platform to use. Here is a detailed list of various plugins and tips that will help you create your perfect wedding site in order to complement your special day. Choose the Look and Feel of Your Theme First, you’ll need to choose a theme that you feel will highlight your wedding in the best possible light, and then start customizing