
Showing posts with the label Website Development

How Web Design Has Been Transformed By Social Media

Social media has radically altered the way consumers are able to interact with content. Hence, after social media, consumers  want  a comparably similar, intuitive, and interactive experience on the websites they visit. This has led to a transformation in how “a good web design” is  defined  and hence how websites are now being  designed . Here are the “top 7” transformations in web design brought about by social media. 1.  Social Share Icons Before social media, brand visibility and link building was the domain of online directories, forums, creating lead magnets, paid strategies, and direct blogging among others. Now, social media has become one of the most important platforms for increasing brand awareness, generating qualified traffic, and consumer engagement. As a result, social share icon have taken a prominent role in website design. The proper placement of the social icons, and the design of the social shares themselves can affect engagement and amount of qualif

3 Best Platforms to build an ecommerce website

Building an eCommerce site is your first step to creating your own legitimate online store. Having a business selling your own products can be an exciting business venture because it can open up the opportunity to get your items sold to anybody across the globe. Even if you decide to do drop shipping and selling wholesale products, it can be a rewarding and highly lucrative long-term career to have. Build eCommerce site today with the help of these platforms; all of which can provide you the tools and proper designs to get your site built successfully. It is in creating an eCommerce site where you may struggle. How do you design the site and place products in the right location? Is there software needed to create the site? With these simple platforms, you can attain your very own beautifully crafted site and built it without going from scratch. 1. Shopify Shopify is one of the coolest eCommerce site builders because of their wide range of features. You can very easily build

The Placement of Ads on a website needs to be taken good care of

Online Advertising, these days, is the most powerful method of advertising which every webmaster across the globe has at their disposal but still, most of them fail to get the desired result from their online advertising campaigns. Why? Because of the poor placement of advertisements on websites. Your advertising campaign through the World Wide Web won’t be effective unless the placement of your ads is perfect. These days, irrespective of the size of their website, webmasters in all parts of the world rely on the Internet to advertise their products and services. Most of them rely on Google AdSense for advertising their brand on the most relevant websites across the World Wide Web which is the best tool which can be used to target the ones who are really interested in the products and services of the concerned brand. So, where should an advertisement be placed in order to ensure that it is effective? Advertisements should always be placed in such a way that they never hide an

5 Unique Ways To Get Return Visitors To Your Website

It doesn’t matter how you got the traffic to your door, if you can’t figure out how to keep it returning. Return visitors are not only what makes a website come alive with comments and shares, but it also directly impacts your bottom line. If you can help your visitors create a habit to check your website regularly, you not only increase engagement, but it will also increase your conversion rate from repeat buyers. Understand the psychology of creating a habit with some “triggers” to keep them coming back again and again. How to Make Your Website a Good Habit Human beings easily fall into habit patterns, especially if they are receiving some payback from the habit. Your website should create a good habit by: 1) Making it easy for them, 2) Triggering responses, and 3) Reinforcing the value regularly. Don’t wait to start creating a habit. The first visit should show your visitors how easy you can make things for them by providing solutions and free offers that will entice them

Never forget to adorn your website with videos

One of the most powerful tools which webmasters, across the globe, have at their disposal in order to get the desired traffic on their websites is a video. The more the number of videos on your website, the better because websites with videos in abundance not only ranked well by Google, such websites are also able to tempt their visitors to stay on them for a longer period of time. The only thing which you, as a webmaster, need to ensure is that the videos on your website are related with your products and services in some way or the other. Videos, like content, should always have quality in abundance and they should never glorify your products and services beyond an acceptable limit. Videos tend to make a lasting impression on the subconscious minds of your visitors. Audio-Visual communication, if presented in a tempting way, is tough to forget and you should take advantage of this human tendency. Google has always rewarded websites with meaningful videos by ranking them well

How to Tempt the Visitors to stay on your website for a long time?

It goes without saying that the ultimate objective which you wish to accomplish through your website is the conversion of as many visitors as possible into customers. In order to convert the desired number of visitors into customers, you should minimize the bounce rate of your website?  How? In order to minimize the bounce rate of your website, you should ensure that your website is perfectly designed and it has quality content in abundance. If you want the visitors to stay on your website for a long time, you should ensure that it works equally well on all devices no matter how small or big the size of their screen may be. Your website should be designed in such a way that it is pleasing to the eye.  The colours and fonts used in your website should be taken good care of. Your website should be designed according to the tastes and preferences of your target audience. Your website should be easy to use and it should load quickly. You should always ensure that your website

Myths About Web Designing

Myths prevail everywhere! Not even the technology is spared!  Being a web designer, you may have often come across certain suggestions or the so-called ‘tried and tested’ practices that guarantee a successful website and business as well! How often have you followed these suggestions? How often have these worked for you? Well, if you have no idea, have a look at what we are actually talking about and beware of the top web design myths. The design is all about visuals: No doubt visuals are an inevitable aspect of website design. However, they are not what a web designing is all about. A visually enticing website is of no use if it doesn’t have quality content. A web design that is not able to tell the visitor and search engines what the page is all about, is simply useless. There needs to be a balance between the content and visuals for the success of a website and eventually the business. DIY websites are the best and the cheapest ones: When you look around for ch

The 4 Keys to Starting a Web Design Business Successfully

Half of all businesses still don’t have a website! This sounds absurd considering the free access to site builders and themes. This admission is the reason you should consider starting a web design business. Websites sell themselves if (and when) you can convince the business owner. Sites build brands, attract customers, and benefit teamwork. Show them a sale generated through the Web and they’ll get on board. Read this if you want to start a web development business. Starting a Web Design Business: What You Need to Make It a Success Success in web design poses a difficulty since anyone could gain entry with practice. This tends to create a “race to the bottom“, lowering prices while demanding higher skills. There’s money made in cheap services but it’s rarely sustainable — it’s not how you become wealthy. The following isn’t about design, it’s what will excel your success in the industry: soft skills. 1. Sales We know business owners know about sites (and their

Importance Of Mobile-Friendly Website for Your Company

When you have a business then you want to reach out to the customers through the medium they are using. Each business will have some sort of website-the great website design is a preference. Once you have the website, then you want people to see it. When we are talking about reaching customers through their preferred medium then in this digital age it has to be mobile phones.  According to Statista, there are approximately 2.53 billion smartphone users across the globe , and it is expected to grow up to 2.87 billion in 2020 as the technology and access will increase. Number of smartphone users in the world Given this high number of mobile users, it is important to have a mobile-friendly website design. The number of businesses is also increasing because there is not the only trend for business setup but also home based and online business.  Having a mobile friendly website  might not be the most important thing about business ten years ago, but today it is

How To Improve Website Design To Ensure Effective Digital Marketing

There is no denying the fact that digital marketing has numerous things to work on, but still the importance of websites remains central. Therefore, it is essential to consider that if your website is helping you to generate a business lead or you are lagging you behind. However, many business organizations are wandering in the larch of utter confusion that what is the relation between a website and digital marketing. It is because various people are not aware of the perk of having a corporate identity over the internet.  Nevertheless, numerous business organizations in UAE and across different parts of the world are reaping the benefits of robust brand creation by having professional websites design.  Why? It’s because the prime objective of every business to make a strong foothold in the marketplace which can be achieved by reaching more and more customers. Having a professionally sound and attractive website will give you an edge over the rival companies. So