Importance Of Mobile-Friendly Website for Your Company

When you have a business then you want to reach out to the customers through the medium they are using. Each business will have some sort of website-the great website design is a preference. Once you have the website, then you want people to see it.

When we are talking about reaching customers through their preferred medium then in this digital age it has to be mobile phones. 

According to Statista, there are approximately 2.53 billion smartphone users across the globe , and it is expected to grow up to 2.87 billion in 2020 as the technology and access will increase.

Number of smartphone users in the world

Given this high number of mobile users, it is important to have a mobile-friendly website design. The number of businesses is also increasing because there is not the only trend for business setup but also home based and online business. 

Having a mobile friendly website might not be the most important thing about business ten years ago, but today it is essentially the thing you can't afford to miss out. People are busy, and they have no time to browse your site on a system, and they will do it on their smartphone.


People will move to another option, and in other words, you are giving away your customers. Then comes the questions what if you don’t know how to achieve a website design which is mobile-friendly? The answer is simple; you avail the professional help from web development Silverthrone, CO.

Why have a mobile friendly website?

Not convinced with a high number of mobile and smartphone users? Well here are some of the reasons stating the need for having a mobile friendly website for smartphone users.


Mobile comes handy, and people are able to access anywhere anytime even when they are lying down on a place they can't use laptops, so you have no option if you want your business to grow. 

For example, if you are operating in custom-made gift hampers then having a mobile friendly website will allow your customers to place an order or browse through your products while being on the break in the office.  This is handy and least time consuming making it a great option. 


If you have a mobile optimized website then your customer whether B2B or B2C will have a fuller experience. Anyone who tries to reach out to you will be able to understand the information and utilize this best practice in the industry. Google also prioritize the websites designs which are mobile-friendly, so this gives you a credibility push in all possible manners. 


Consider two scenarios

  1. Your website design only works on the laptop, tablet, and desktop so who will be able to access your site? Only those who have time to open a system and search your site. Right? 
  2. You have a website design which is compatible with mobile as well. In this scenario, anyone who has access to working internet and smartphone will be able to browse the products. 
Which option is giving more access to customers? The second one obviously because people do not have to spare time and can just search things on the go. This will also make customers happier and satisfied. Happy customers are loyal ones as well. 

Final note:

In the global world when the smartphones and websites are trending for businesses, then there is dire need to utilize them for good. Having a mobile friendly website is one way to utilize these two technological advancements.

Believe me when I say this website which is not mobile-friendly is actually dangerous for your company.


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