How Pinterest Can Help You Make More Money

Here are some of the ways in which you can earn money through Pinterest:

Build an Audience and Sell to Them

You need to gain Pinterest followers in order to build an audience. The first thing you need to know is ‘what’ you are passionate about.  For example, are you a woman who loves makeup? If you do, then you can choose a target audience that consists of women who also love makeup. Create a Pinterest board to cater to this audience.  After you create the board, you will have to create a mailing list. Once you have a few hundred followers, marketers will contact you with offers to promote their products.

Choose A Company and Ask For Sponsorship

After you have built an audience you need to select companies that have products that will attract your followers. For makeup, you can contact companies that sell cosmetics. Share your Pinterest stats with them and see if they offer a sponsorship.

Promote Affiliate Products

Several companies want affiliates that promote their goods on a promotional basis. Use your boards to promote their products using the affiliate links. Just make sure that you don’t spam because Pinterest takes action against spammers.

Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

You need to use SEO strategies so that people can find your boards easily with the help of major search engines like Google. Write a good description in your ‘About’ section and use keywords and hashtags that you think the searchers will use. You can use the same strategies on your pins too as you can add a 100 word description to them.

Create Contests

If you want to increase the number of followers, then you can create contests because eventually it will help you in making money. By creating contests, you are encouraging people to think and talk about your products.

Re-pin Others’ Pins

Since Pinterest is a social network, you can make your presence known by getting people to repin your pins. You should pin the pins of your target audience as this will help in grabbing their attention and they might even start following you back.

Teach Pinterest Strategies to Others

People have developed tools to help users learn about the platform. If you think you understand the platform well then you can use your skills to teach other people about it and earn money.

Social Media Integration

You can easily link Pinterest with other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter to reach out to more people so that they can view your products.

Want To Explore Pinterest More?

In order to make money from Pinterest you need to learn about it by knowing who your target audience is and the kind of tools that you will use to attract them. These points will surely help you in making money via Pinterest. 

However, if you are looking for a good marketing tool then you should consider a Web Development Company Denver, CO which is a pin scheduler tool that gives you the facility of gaining Pinterest followers, promoting Pinterest pins, managing multiple accounts, scheduling pins and creating pin alerts. Register for its free trial version right away!


  1. Good to know; thank you! I’m far from social media savvy, barely even use it, but have been thinking now might be a good time to try getting it going again. I had no idea there were any changes to Pinterest, so this is incredibly informative. Thanks!

    1. Glad you found it helpful. Fresh content is vital — unique ideas really get the ball rolling and create exposure to new audiences.

  2. Thanks William for your informative article . As you have described it beautifully and easily.
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  3. Thanks for sharing this great information. I really like your post.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep supporting!!

  4. Thanks for sharing this resourceful content i found new things which i was not using earlier.

    Thanks once again

  5. Thank You so much for this informative post. Thanks for sharing how you are doing it and I am sure a lot of people will be helped through the resource you shared.

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  7. Wonderful Blog. Thanks for providing important knowledge regarding Pinterest Marketing. Thank you.

  8. Great post as usual. Always your number one reader. Thanks for sharing such great information about Pinterest marketing!

  9. Great article. This will really help me a lot.

  10. Great write! Most of the tutorials had become repetitive but this is something new with fresh insight, thanks!


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