Common logo design mistakes that designers need to avoid

A logo is the reflection of a brand, it’s objectives and it’s message to the people. A successfully designed logo is recognizable, readable, legitimate and effectively provides a glimpse of what the business does. However, graphic designers often tend to make silly logo design mistakes that result in an inappropriate logo. Read on to know what those mistakes are.

Too many graphics:

There’s an age-old saying: Excess of anything is harmful. This applies to logo designing as well. A logo that consists of more than the required amount of prints or graphics fails to convey the exact message. It rather makes it difficult for people to understand the basic idea in the very first place! So, a logo designer should strive to convey more with as less as elements possible.

Using raster graphics:

Whether it’s a website or a live chat service or a logo, if it’s not optimized for mobile, it’s useless. That’s because a majority of the population today uses mobile devices to access the internet. So, there’s a high probability that there are a number of mobile visitors on your website. This implies that it’s very important to ensure that logos scale appropriately for their host device. That’s not possible if the logo design is made using raster graphics. Therefore it’s advisable to use vector graphics so as to eliminate any sort of pixelation issues.

Relying on color:

Often the logo designers are overwhelmed by the idea of using colors in the logo design. In fact, they completely rely on the colors to express the brand message. That’s where the things turn out to be ugly and the logo fails to provide a glimpse of what the business does! As a matter of fact, a logo is supposed to be displayed in a single color at one time. So, the best practice is to start designing the logo in black and white and then determine which color works the best.

Plagiarising the logo:

This is one of the nastiest logo design mistakes that a graphic designer can make! Copying some other business’s logo wouldn’t help create a discrete identity for your business. In fact, it’ll reflect the business whose logo is deliberately copied and twisted to create a new one. So, it’s better to go for an original idea rather than a plagiarised one.

Choosing inappropriate fonts:

This is yet another logo design mistake that’s common. The font that is used in logo designing can either make or break a brand’s reputation. Choosing appropriate fonts, using less or excessive spacing can hamper affect the readability of a logo. So, it’s advisable to pay special attention to the typography part.
Avoiding these common mistakes can help build a legitimate and easily recognizable logo that conveys the brand’s objectives in a glimpse!
If you need support with your web designing and Logo Designing, experts Web Designers in Aurora, CO can help you, just drop your comments in the comment section.


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  2. Hi William
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