The Benefits of Twitter for Your Business

If used properly, Twitter can be a very useful means of promoting your business. You know the old saying, “The best for your business is word of mouth”. That’s what Twitter is, word of mouth. It helps you stay connected with your customers on a more personal level.

How does Twitter help benefit your business?
  1. Helps to increase the awareness of your business.
  2. Helps to keep you in the loop of trends within your industry.
  3. It’s a platform to promote the content on your site i.e. blog posts, products, videos, sales, etc.
  4. Helps boost your SEO.
  5. Helps to pique interest and drive traffic to your website.
  6. Helps to provide feedback for your business and your products.
  7. Helps increase the visibility of your business.
  8. Helps you keep an eye on your competition.
  9. Helps you keep an ear to the ground about your own company i.e. your reputation, the views on your company.
  10. Helps you scout for future employees as well as future customers.
  11. Provides direct access to the public.
The benefits of Twitter for your business are pretty clear. However, getting started may be challenging. Where do you start? What does it take?
Twitter holds the potential to increase your customer base. First of all, you need to sign up for an account. Go ahead, it’s free. Then you need to make sure you are posting things, called tweeting, that people find interesting. Draw them to you like a moth to a flame.
Now that you have piqued their interest, tweet about things that other tweeter will want to re-tweet. Tweet about products, special offers, about your company.
Keep your followers up-to-date and don’t be afraid to encourage feedback. Two way communication is the key to increasing your customer base.
Change it up a bit. Tweet non-business related things as well. Maybe something funny your pet did or an image you found funny or inspiring, something that makes connections. Give your followers the impression that there is more to your business than just goods, services and making money.
Follow the people who follow you. Follow tweets of interest. It will help keep you updated on trends and things your potential customers are interested in. It will also keep you in the loop of what they are saying about you, your business and even the comparison between your business and that of your competitors.
As mentioned before, encourage feedback. Let your current and future customers know they are important and what they say matters. Let them know that it helps you to provide the best business and services to them. 
Need help growing your audience and engaging your leads on social media? It may be time to partner with a web development company Frisco, CO that understands the needs and challenges of all businesses.


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