Yes, you are making keyword research harder than it should be

Get better results and maximize your budget by keeping things simple.

PPC managers make unnecessarily hard work out of keyword research. Yes, that’s a bold statement to make. But it’s one we’re making nevertheless.

Don’t get us wrong, this isn’t meant to start a fight. Nor are we implying that PPC managers are no longer needed, because that’s simply not true. In fact, it’s something we’ve covered before explaining why PPC agencies are not dying out.
As long as there are PPC campaigns, there will be PPC managers. They play an essential role in creating, running and optimising campaigns to ensure businesses get the best results for their budget.
That doesn’t mean every PPC manager is perfect. The truth is that most of you are caught out by overcomplicating many areas of your disipline, including the keyword research stage.

Keyword research is always worth your time

Without research, it’s impossible to build a viable list of keywords that will bring in the clicks and conversions – at a price that fits your budget.

We don’t need to tell you how important keywords or research are. You’ve heard this all before.
Here’s the short version: having the right keywords helps get your adverts seen by the right audience, for better prices.

Keywords also impact your quality score and ad rank, helping you get those higher ad positions on the SERPs. And when the top 3 ads get 46% of clicks, anything you can do to push yourself higher into these positions is a must-have. However, there is such a thing as trying too hard.

Imagine you’re at school and have a 1-page assignment to hand in. But you want to impress, so you hand in 24 glorious pages and wait to be basked in glory. It’s not worth the extra time and effort that you put in though. You would have got the A with the 1-page paper like everyone else.

You don’t need to strive for extra-credit with PPC. Your keywords either work or they don’t. This is something you’ll find out by testing. Research can only take you so far.

All the gear with no idea

Controversially, it may be the rise of technology that’s contributing to overcomplication.
The core function of PPC tools and software is to save you time and simplify your jobs. It’s the sole reason why we built our own platform, Adzooma

When it comes to keyword research, there are a whole host of fantastic tools that can instantly generate keyword ideas. But the sheer amount of data and results you get from them is ripe for overcomplicating.

Enter your core topic and they can instantly spit out a thousand keywords or more to target. In fact, SEMrush’s Keyword Magic tool promises ‘10.5 billion semantically related & long-tail keywords’. Wow.

That’s crazy!

In what campaign would you ever use that many keywords? I dread to think of the ad groups that would be created to accommodate anything near to a thousand keywords. And so should you.

Google recommends that you use no more than 20 keywords per ad group. 20 is a maximum here. You don’t have to hit this. 

Smaller, targeted ad groups will win over blindly hitting every single keyword variation under the sun. Every time.

Now, these tools are great for finding keywords. But if you start researching every single variation that comes up… well, you’re just making life harder for yourself. Don’t get caught up in the minor details. Keep things simple and stick to smaller, smartly curated keyword lists for precise ad groups.

 If you need support with your SEO performance and Logo Designing, experts of Website Designers in Arvada, Denver can help you, just drop your comments in the comment section.


  1. Thanks for always being on top of your game Brain. This is extremely helpful! We have seen some fluctuations in our own site as well as our clients and I am definitely going to implement these strategies.

  2. Glad you liked it.

    I tried to make it as comprehensive as possible. Thanks for sharing.

  3. One of the best posts, I have ever come across. Not only did I learn lot of hidden things but also some technical stuff. Keep uploading and encouraging us.

  4. Thank you for sharing this blog . It’s really helpful for me.


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