5 CRO Strategies You Can Implement On Your Site Or Shop Today

Web design is all about facilitating user behaviour. The goal is to break down all barriers that can prevent the user from performing the desired behaviour.

Working with CRO can be compared to decorating a physical shop. Many shop owners put a lot of time and energy into building their store so that visitors get a good experience, which in turn will make them buy from there. 

Below, we present to you 5 CRO strategies that you can readily implement on your website or webshop today.

1. Don’t be afraid to display your prices

Displaying your products is the first of our CRO strategies. Never be afraid to show your prices. Within B2C, it is natural to have visible prices but within B2B, there may be a tendency to omit them as B2B solutions are often complex and thus difficult to price.

Despite this, you should try having visible prices on your B2B site to test if it provides more customer inquiries. If you are afraid of scaring off potential customers with visible prices, consider whether they ever were potential customers if they weren’t willing to pay the price for your solutions anyway.

If, after a test period, you find that you converted better when you did not have visible prices on your website then you can just revert back to the old design and keep the knowledge as a lesson on what works and doesn’t work on your site.

Take a look at Morning Train’s site – when you click around, you will quickly notice that many landing pages contain pricing tables. Web design, web development, online advertising etc. are not tangible products and as such many people have difficulty assessing the price of those kinds of services.

The pricing table thus helps visitors decide whether they are ready for Morning Train’s services (and their prices) or not.

2. Don’t tell about your products – show them

When potential buyers can see how your solutions have improved the lives of past customers, they can reflect on the concrete example. This is especially true of B2B, where products and solutions can be diffuse, and therefore it helps in understanding (and the conversion rate) if you can demonstrate what effect your solutions have. Video is a great medium to showcase your services.

B2C products are usually consumer goods that do not need any further explanation. Here, however, you can try to raise the conversion rate by displaying more images in addition to the official product photos, which are taken in artificial light and then subjected to post-processing.

3. Sort your products after your customers’ need

Here is another CRO strategy: This one is self-explaining, but we can’t point it out enough: A clear division of products is essential as it enables your users to quickly find what they are searching for. Gather your products in overarching categories, which are then divided into relevant subcategories.
We have all tried visiting a website with product categories with minimal distinction. This makes it difficult to assess the difference between different products (B2B). Also, it can create frustration when you are unable to find the products that you are actively searching for (B2C). And as soon as the slightest bit of doubt/annoyance appears in the user’s mind, you reduce the chance of a conversion.

Bloomit is a good example of how to categorize products. Bloomit sells flowers for every occasion and as if that weren’t enough, for every occasion there must be many different flowers to choose from. A clear division is therefore of utmost importance if Bloomit wants to maintain momentum in their business.

4. Limit options as too many can lead to indecision

This is mainly aimed at B2C businesses, as B2B businesses usually only have very few services which then can be varied indefinitely.

Though many wouldn’t consider it problematic to have many products in a webshop, it can have a negative impact on the conversion rate if there are too many available products. This is because we, as humans, are unable to handle too much information. It is a behaviour that stems from our ancestors for when they roamed the earth, an extensive decision-making process could result in certain death.
Today, we still act on our cavemen impulses and when it comes to decision making, we are still very much influenced by the instincts we inherited from our ancestors.

You can counter this mental limitation by limiting the range of products on your webshop. How low the limit goes is up to you to find out through the data you collect about your CRO efforts.

5. Never give customers new information during checkout

Too many choices are not the only thing that can have a negative effect on the conversion rate on B2C sites. The timing of your information also plays a role. Because once a user has decided to make a purchase, the checkout process must be short and without new information that may affect the user’s decision to buy from you.

Here, new information about, e.g., freight or returns can instill doubt within the user, because now he or she must process new information. Here, the primitive side of the brain activates, and when we experience doubt, our instinct tells us we must stop what we are doing.

So, make sure to give your users all the information they need so they feel safe and secure enough to put their money in your shop. You can do that by mentioning the most important terms and conditions on the product pages. You can also make a bar below the menu and lists the most important terms and conditions here.

There is no definitive ruleset for achieving perfect CRO. However, one thing is certain and that is that you will never find out what your users are responding well to unless you are willing to try out different strategies.

In other words, implement different CRO strategies one at a time. Test them for a while. Analyze the data you have collected. If a strategy works, all is well. If a strategy doesn’t work, try something else. 

There is Web Development Company in Dillon which can help you to get affordable website designs for your business.


  1. Great post! Web Design is all about facilitating the user behavior.

  2. The timing of your information also plays a role. Because once a user has decided to make a purchase, the checkout process must be short and without new information that may affect the user’s decision to buy from you.


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