The future of search: Capturing the hearts and minds of Generation Z

Search advertisers will need to adapt the way they market for the next generation of consumers, with 78% of Generation Z seeking authenticity as an important quality in brands that are advertising to them. To connect with new audiences, advertisers will need to become part of the conversation; they will need to understand the wider […]


Search advertisers will need to adapt the way they market for the next generation of consumers, with 78% of Generation Z seeking authenticity as an important quality in brands that are advertising to them. To connect with new audiences, advertisers will need to become part of the conversation; they will need to understand the wider discussions that are happening in digital media, and evolve their messaging to resonate with the next generation.

Read this report from Adthena to learn how brands can capture the hearts and minds of Generation Z. This report features:
  • Survey results – with key stats and facts on what makes Gen Z tick when it comes to search, ads, and their preferred brands.
  • Exclusive data – on how advertisers are responding to Gen Z audiences with more visual advertising.
  • Case study – on how advertisers are targeting Gen Z with ads that signal new trends in search.
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