What is Web 2.0?

When it comes to define web 2.0. the term means such internet applications which allow sharing and collaboration opportunities to people and help them to express themselves online.
“Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.”– Tim O’ Reilly.
It’s a simply improved version of the first world wide web, characterized specifically by the change from static to dynamic or user-generated content and also the growth of social media. The concept behind Web 2.0 refers to rich web applications, web- oriented architecture and social web. It refer to changes in the ways web pages are designed and used by the users, without any change in any technical specifications.

The examples of Web 2.0 applications:-

Web 2.0 examples include hosted services (Google Maps),Web applications ( Google Docs, Flickr), Video sharing sites (You Tube), wikis (MediaWiki), blogs (WordPress), social networking (Facebook), folksonomies (Delicious), Microblogging (Twitter), podcasting (Podcast Alley) & content hosting services and many more.
So the major difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0 is that web 2.0 websites enable users to create , share , collaborate and communicate their work with others, without any need of any web design or publishing skills.These capabilities were not present in Web 1.o environment.
Now-a-days, the way web users are getting information has drastically changed. Today, users use content they are specifically interested in, often using Web 2.0 tools.
Advantages of Web 2.0:
  • Available at any time, any place.
  • Variety of media.
  • Ease of usage.
  • Learners can actively be involved in knowledge building.
  • Can create dynamic learning communities.
  • Everybody is the author and the editor, every edit that has been made can be tracked.
  • User friendly.
  • Updates in wiki are immediate and it offers more sources for researchers.
  • Provides real-time discussion.

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  1. The concept behind Web 2.0 refers to rich web applications, web- oriented architecture and social web. Thank you so mush for sharing such wonderful information with us..Old Website Designs


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