Uses of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing has the power to manipulate the image of a brand, product, business or an individual. It is overwhelming to see people making the best uses of social media marketing. Be it a public figure or a brand, social media marketing can be used by all and if done right can benefit you or otherwise if you don’t know how to tackle it.
The uses of social media marketing are many but in the recent days, we have seen so many cases that have been trending and have caused a havoc on the internet. People spend so much of time on the internet that everything you do is under a scan if you’re active on social media.

Social Media Marketing for Individuals

To take advantage of social media on a personal level is not a very difficult task, if you’ll understand the below-mentioned subheads you’ll be able to grip it within sometime. However, uses of social media marketing for individual differs to a certain extent.

1) Collaborate Interests & Passion

To make use of social media is not a very Herculean thing, though people try to make it look like one. You really need to find out your interests and passion and then make use of social media. Not just this, it is going to take quite a few time to figure out your interests and passions and that can you really stick to it for a long time. So, don’t worry and start doing it.
For example- If you are a fashion photographer, you really need to take your work and put it up on the social media, not just this you can also promote it through your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and G+ accounts.
If you portray your interest in the right manner on the social media you can use it in a much better way. So, basically you get to market yourself as a product to the world and you have to make it work. So, if you use the right kind of hashtags and keywords you’ll definitely be able to reach the world in the right manner.

2) Staying in Touch 

This is how you can reach the general audience and how they can reach you. You bridge the gap between you and the audience through social media marketing and that’s not something that one can’t do. You just have to be welcoming and present your area of interest, talent or anything that you wish to reach the audience in a way that they are able to grip it around.
Understand what the audience wants or what the audience is already talking about, imbibe the trend and get at it.

3) Using the Right Tools

Using the right tools can make you a very successful individual, as you are trying to stay in touch with the general audience. The thing is that with the right tools you’ll just be able to exactly know that how far you have reached. This means what you have done so far is right or wrong or you still have the chance to make it better.
Social Media Marketing gives you scope to analyse your steps and then amend if something is going wrong. If you find SMM interesting and overwhelming you can join our Social Media Marketing Course to groom your Social Media Marketing skills.

4) Brings Us Together

If you are a public figure or want to become one then the audience would like to know what you are doing, where you are doing it and why are you doing it. So, answer the above questions or sometimes keep them curious but social media marketing helps us in communicating the audience about everything. This brings us all together and we give a chance to our audience to talk about us. This surely is an inevitable use amongst the several uses of Social Media Marketing.

Social Media Marketing for Business

1) Brand Recognition

Social Media Marketing is the key to brand recognition, this can be done very easily if you keep at pace with the whole maintaining the brand image thing. You can indulge the audience in a conversation with your brand’s point of view with the help of Social Media Marketing. You need to know what is trending in relation to your brand and engage the audience there and then. This helps in people knowing your brand and also keeps up the image of your brand in relation to the kind of virtual content you diffuse.
For example: You are a brand of biscuits and want to write about the ‘civil war going on in Syria’ this is going to show your concern as a brand towards humanity. Therefore, if you can be so concerned about people, your brand will definitely induce trust into consumers and hence brand loyalty will increase.

2) Capture More Customers

Social Media Marketing gives us scope wherein we keep on reaching new audience everyday, every minute. Every share & every like can change a potential customer into a customer of our brand. As we write blogs that cater to interests of mass audience and in respect to that we reach our customers along with the general audience. Therefore, we have a chance of growing our customer base.
Every blog post, image, video, or comment you share is a chance for someone to react, and every reaction could lead to a site visit, and eventually a conversion. Not every reaction is considered a conversion, but at least we are able to reach more audience which would help us in conversion.

3) Influence

As soon as your reach increases, your influence on the people increases. Do not underestimate influence as this can make you achieve many goals. The more use you make of social media the more you’ll be able to influence the audience, as that is the only way of making the people friendly of your whatever you are trying to imbibe.There is a snowball chance of people being indulged in the kind of campaign you are running but you need to try for knowing the results.

4) Website Traffic

People have no clue that this can make you grow on your traffic and is a great traffic generator. But when you promote your blogs and other pages through social media , basically when you market it you are increasing the traffic as people come and open the link which results in the same. By this you give a chance to the audience to visit your website and signup or login. So clearly social media marketing brings traffic to your website. You should also make sure that people visiting your website gets a clear call to action as otherwise they’ll get confused and go back.

5) Being Ahead of your Competitors

Social Media Marketing gives you a space to be ahead of your competitors as most probably your competitors aren’t doing too well as far as social media is concerned and you can take advantage of this chance. Or this could be vice-versa that in case they are doing too well it is going to be a problem for you as you’ll lose on customers. Therefore, it is paramount to make great uses of Social Media Marketing.

6) Waiting for Rewards

There are going to be days when you are going to think that Social Media Marketing isn’t really working for you but don’t give up yet. Keep on making the efforts and you’ll definitely find out the real reward behind the internet’s anonymity. There are definitely going to be people who will be following you and actually will know what you post and when you post so wait for it and you’ll get what you want.

7) Authority

This could be a great chance of being authoritarian and being the go-to place for your audiences every problem. This could work best for writers, counselors, doctors and etc. It is very important for you to share good and worthwhile content that influences or relates your readers. You should also interact with your audience through question and answers this will create a sense of relatedness in the minds of your audience towards you.

8) Continuous Exposure

There is a need for repeat exposure which means the consumer should find you on the social media sites, again and again this will definitely help you in gaining more and more potential consumers. this may seem monotonous at first but it is going to pay you off well. So, continuous exposure is one thing that a brand should never miss on.


  1. Great post! It is very useful for the Digital Marketers these days..Old Website Designs

  2. Social Media Marketing provides a space to the businesses to be ahead of their competitors as most probably their competitors aren’t doing too well as far as social media is concerned and they can take advantage of this chance.Search Engine Optimization

  3. Social Media Marketing gives you scope to analyse your steps and then amend if something is going wrong.


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