Good Website Design Why It Matters, and How To Pull It Off

One of the most important things for a business is good website design. Good web design can be the one thing that pushes you above or pulls you below your competition. A professionally designed web site (or web page) can influence how many site visitors stay on your site.
Graphic design matters, because it can reflect how you and your brand do business, and ultimately how your clients and potential customers see and feel about you.
This is particularly important when it comes to websites. Websites are essentially the new storefronts and first contact points for an increasing number of businesses and brands. Make a bad impression, and you lose a potential conversion. Make a good one, you gain a customer. Make a great impression, and you can potentially gain and keep a customer for life.
It starts with a web design that has a beautiful user-interface. This simply means that visitors can find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Specifically, how you present your text and visual content, and the experience your users get.
So, let’s talk about what you need to know about good website design!

What is “Good Website Design” Anyway?

If you ask professional web designers to define what good web design is, they’ll all give you a variety of different answers. The most well-designed things are based on design principles that result in useful, beautiful products that give consumers a deep level of satisfaction and enjoyment.

Product Understandable

Does your website serve a purpose? Is that purpose quickly made immediately clear to the reader when they land on your websites home page? Or are they confused about what the point of the page is?
When you design and develop your website, put your marketing message front and center.  Use no more than five words to communicate a clear problem that you solve for your customer or the desired outcome your customer will get from your product or service.
First Things First
Let’s talk about your Home Page. This is the very first thing that people who go to your website see after they type in your website’s address. It’s also likely the very first page they’ll land on after they’ve clicked on a link from a search page result that leads to your website.
So it makes sense to ensure that when a reader lands on your website, you catch his or her attention and keep them there for as long as possible by providing them value for the time they spend there. You do this by providing content relevant to their interests that is organized in a logical and easy-to-read manner.
Small Business Trends has created a website with a clear and simple navigation and design developed with search engine optimization and time-strapped small business owners in mind. Every small business topic is easily found on the navigation bar.
That said, let’s get started on the basics of website design, shall we?

The Five Fundamental Things Your Website’s Home Page Must Have

Davide Casali, a User Experience Director, and Startup Advisor, writes that a good landing page or home page should have these five basic elements:
  1. A branding element i.e. the logo
  2. A descriptive element i.e. a title and a description
  3. A call to action i.e. a button
  4. A visualization i.e. a screenshot, video or mood image
  5. A navigation element i.e. a menu

Your Branding Element

This means your logo or logotype. Remember when we talked about How to Brand Your Business? Your brand in this instance, as represented by your logo designing is an important part of the home page and needs to feature prominently on it.
In most cases, you’ll want to have this on the top-left or top-center of your web design to serve as the visual entry point the very first thing that your readers? eyes gravitate to on page load when your website first loads in their browser.

A Good Description

This means a title that represents your brand and business, along with two to three descriptive sentences to support it. Your title should describe what your business does or what it has to offer the potential client, and the supporting sentences should expand on the title, ideally emphasizing, again, the benefits of your products or services.

Ideally, this should be placed near the top of the home page, perhaps in line with your branding element (if your logo is placed on the top-left) or beneath it (say, if your logo is placed on the top-center).


  1. Websites should be designed very properly by keeping into concern all the points shared in this post.. Great!!Affordable SEO services in Silverthorne


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