
Showing posts from October, 2019

5 CRO Strategies You Can Implement On Your Site Or Shop Today

Web design is all about facilitating user behaviour. The goal is to break down all barriers that can prevent the user from performing the desired behaviour. Working with CRO can be compared to decorating a physical shop. Many shop owners put a lot of time and energy into building their store so that visitors get a good experience, which in turn will make them buy from there.  Below, we present to you 5 CRO strategies that you can readily implement on your website or webshop today. 1. Don’t be afraid to display your prices Displaying your products is the first of our CRO strategies. Never be afraid to show your prices. Within B2C, it is natural to have visible prices but within B2B, there may be a tendency to omit them as B2B solutions are often complex and thus difficult to price. Despite this, you should try having visible prices on your B2B site to test if it provides more customer inquiries. If you are afraid of scaring off potential customers with visible pri

The Rise Of Smarketing And Why You Need It

Professor Chris LoDolce defined smarketing as “The alignment of the sales and marketing team around common goals within a business or organisation, focused on improving revenue.” The two teams are traditionally disconnected and viewed, at least internally, as two separate entities. They tend to work with cross-purposes, but the evolution of the B2B buying process has changed the game, and businesses must adapt. Let’s look into why collaboration between sales and marketing is necessary to the health of B2B companies, and how smarketing could help them. The customer buyer journey has changed The B2B buying process is a collaborative one and marketers need to target more than just the key decision-makers. Consulting peers on social media plays a part in the buyer’s process, but colleagues within the company, spread across many departments, complete the group. The targeted marketing message must scale to reach each stakeholder in this circle of influencers. The di

4 Things No One Tells You When You Start Your Own Marketing Business

Every time I see an announcement from someone I follow on Twitter or LinkedIn that they are quitting their day jobs to go out on their own in SEO, PPC, social, or content, I get a little jolt of joy for them. Quitting my job to start my own business was one of the best things I did for myself and my career. Sure, it’s scary to go from something that’s a given to such a risky place – but as one of my entrepreneur friends once told me – there’s more than enough work out there if you know where to find it. I’ve spent my whole career working for entrepreneurs, startups, and owner-operated businesses. I was raised in a family-owned business and chipped in on the weekends and after school to answer phones, stuff envelopes, and show my grandparents how to use Word. Because I’ve spent most of my life seeing the inner workings of business and freelance life, I’ve collected a few of my best tips to help you avoid big mistakes in becoming your own boss. 1. Stop Undercharg

Reddit’s First Content Sharing Integration is With Snapchat

Reddit content can now be shared directly to Snapchat, which marks Reddit’s first-ever native content sharing capabilities. To share Reddit content in Snapchat, simply tap the “share” icon while viewing a Reddit post on the mobile app, then share it to Snapchat as a story or in a direct message to friends. On the Snapchat side of things, when users are viewing content shared from Reddit they’ll see a new sticker which includes the Reddit logo and the subreddit where the content was published. Snapchat users can then swipe up to view the Reddit post. In order for a Snapchat user to view the Reddit content they will also need to have the Reddit app installed. If not, then they’ll be prompted to download the Reddit app after swiping up on the Snapchat story. Vaibhav Sahgal, Reddit’s Head of Growth Product, speaks on this first-of-its-kind content integration: “Snapchat is the first platform partner with whom we’re testing a content sharing integration, and

Pinterest Gives Users More Control Over Content on Their Home Feed

Pinterest is making it easier to control the recommendations users see in their home feed with all-new settings. In addition, users will be able to see the boards, topics, followed accounts, and recent history that contribute to the recommendations shown in their home feed. Often users will search for something they need in the moment, but do not necessarily want to see recommendations for it every time they log in. For example, you might be searching for dinner recipes one day but would rather see recommendations for home decor in your main feed. Now it’s possible to fine tune those recommendations. Home Feed Tuner Pinterest will display everything that contributes to your home feed recommendations in new section that can be customized with a simple toggle switch. The new home feed tuner can be accessed by visiting on desktop, or selecting ‘Home Feed’ from the settings panel in the mobile app. With this update, Pinterest notes that use

Google Ads is Testing New Lead Form Extensions

Google Ads is testing a new way for businesses to capture customer information with lead form extensions. This new ad extension was spotted by Steven Johns, who notes that he has access to it in his EGO Power+ Austria account: GOOGLE ADS: *NEW* Lead Form Extensions Just spotted in my EGO Power+ Austria account.#ppcchat #ppc @GinnyMarvin @mattgsouthern — Steven Johns (@stevenjohns21) October 19, 2019 In the screenshot shared in the tweet above, you can see how the new ad extension works. It’s designed to attract customers with a compelling call-to-action, in this case a special offer, which can only be accessed after filling out a lead form. Advertisers can customize lead forms with their own title and description, and indicate which pieces of information they want to ask customers for. Customer information could include any or all of: Customer name Email Phone number Postcode As shown in the example above, advertisers can even

4 Benefits Of Buying Expired Domains And Things To Consider

Many people have heard or read of the practice of buying expired domains, but not many fully understand what the benefits of doing so are and how to go about it.  People purchase expired domains for several purposes, which will be explained in this article. Although it has many benefits, you must do the necessary research before you purchase an expired domain, as there are many things to consider. Let’s start with the potential benefits of purchasing expired domains. Why Purchase Expired Domains? An expired domain is one that the owner has failed to renew. This can be for several reasons. Perhaps they forgot to renew it, perhaps their payment method or credit card didn’t go through, perhaps they went out of business and forgot about small details like domains, or perhaps they simply don’t care about it anymore. After a domain reaches its expiration date and is not renewed within 30 days, it will go up for auction for seven days. The one who bids the highes

How Competitive Intelligence Can Help You Improve Your Content Marketing

Knowing what your competitors are doing well – or badly – can play a major role in giving your content marketing an edge. Legal content marketing is undoubtedly central to 21st-century marketing, especially for small and medium firms who cannot call upon the big budgets and in-house marketing departments of the big names with their well-known brands. A range of important principles is well established to ensure that your content marketing is effective to start with. The use of good keywords, the relevance of your content, the deployment of great images and videos, the provision of good backlinks and of course the technical SEO of the site or sites carrying your content are all important. Knowing and understanding all this is an important start. But when everyone is competing for that all-important first page of the search engine results, it is inevitable that some will make it and some will not. It is never possible to guarantee a top ranking because search engin

Why Lead Generation Is Key For Business Growth

Over the years, the buying process of consumers has changed, meaning that marketers need to keep up with trends in order to reach targets and successfully grow their business. In this guide to lead generation, generating business the inbound way, you can learn how to attract new customers and build your business. Nowadays, more and more people are heading to the internet to purchase a product/service, or at least make a decision on it. More than four billion people use the internet, and with this going up 7% each year, it’s clear to see where your efforts should be focused on. If this doesn’t motivate you enough, here are some more stats: 54% of the population use the internet, 66% of the population use mobile phones, and 43% of the population use social media. These figures are huge! Think of the potential your business has. Lead generation is the way in which you attract prospects and get them interested in your company’s services or products. There are ma

How to Get a Google Featured Snippet

Wouldn’t be nice if you could rank at position zero in Google? Is this even possible? The answer is yes and that’s through ‘Google Featured Snippets’. In this post you will learn what is a featured snippet, how to optimize your content so that it’s eligible to show in Google’s featured snippet box and how to check if your website already has a featured snippet entry. What is a Google featured snippet? A ‘featured snippet box’ is a relatively new feature introduced by Google to help the searcher find answers faster without having to visit any website. Or at least to get an idea of a possible answer and then visit the website for more information. Featured Snippets are used in many cases, especially when there is one direct answer for a question or a set of steps to follow. Featured snippets are also available on mobile and they come in different formats and styles. It is obvious from the above screenshot that websites appearing in the featured snippet box have a

What are SEO Keywords and How to Find Them

You probably already know that keywords are important for SEO but what do we actually mean when we talk about SEO keywords? How can you find the right keywords for your website and more importantly, how to use those keywords in your content and maximize your SEO? These are some of the questions I will answer in this post. What are SEO keywords? Why are keywords important Examples of SEO keywords Different types of SEO keywords How to choose keywords for SEO How to use SEO Keywords in your Content What are SEO Keywords? Let’s start with a definition. SEO Keywords are words or phrases (search terms) that people use when searching for information through a search engine. By adding those keywords in your content, you increase your chances of appearing in the search results for those terms. SEO Keywords make it easier for search engines to understand what your content is all about and help users find the information they need. Why are keywords important? As

What are Breadcrumbs and How to SEO Optimize Them

One of the website elements that Google loves is breadcrumbs. Google is stressing the importance of breadcrumbs in all their SEO related documents and guides. The reason is simple: Breadcrumb trails have something to offer to both search engines and users. Search engines use them to get a better idea on how your website is structured and they help users navigate a website easier. In this post you will learn everything you need to know about breadcrumbs, why they are important, how to optimize them and how they help SEO. What are breadcrumbs? A breadcrumb trail is a small menu usually located at the top of a page, used as a navigational aid. It shows the path to go from the current page back to the homepage. Here is an example of a breadcrumb trail menu: As you can see from the example above, the breadcrumb trail starts from the home page, then it shows the category name and then the current page. Each step in the path is clickable. Different types of Bread